Dating Advice

  • How to Avoid Being Friends1

    How to Avoid Being Friends

    Do you know how to avoid being friend zoned by a woman? What is the friend zone? Most men do not know this. This is a place where a man escalates a sexual relationship with a woman,…

  • How to Seduce a Divorced Woman

    How to Seduce a Divorced Woman

    Seducing divorced women is very easy because they are in the right relationship at the right time, and they have no reason to be jealous. Today, most men are ready to meet and seduce divorced women, but…

  • Kissing Techniques Ultimate

    Beware of the peanut butter and jelly remarks. It goes both ways and the “jelly” ones are just plain wrong. peanut butter is considered a classic and is safe to use after the first date depending on…

  • relationships

    Dating Relationship

    In the modern society, dating is not only linked to romance but also sexuality. Dating is a interpersonal relationship involving romantic, often sexually motivated, relationships. While originally dating was known for the couple to discover the potential…

  • Why Partners Lie to Each Other So Much

    Why Partners Lie to Each Other So Much

    When a guy doesn’t text you for more than a week, it’s a sign that he’s ghosting you. He might just be too busy with work and other responsibilities to contact you right away. If he doesn’t…